Watch our Event Recap:
Event Description:
Our virtual event will include an overview of the recently completed Advocacy Toolkit (available at no cost to CTAI members). The toolkit is a suite of tools intended to translate your cannabis travel advocacy into policy.
Break-out discussion rooms will follow the introduction of the Toolkit. Key members of the CTAI will lead the rooms: Amanda Reiman, CTAI Board President, will kick off the morning with updates about the non-profit organization. Brian Applegarth, Founder and CEO of the CTAI will start with the basics, presenting a Glossary of Terms; Jerred Kiloh, owner of The Higher Path, will discuss the differences between Adult Cannabis Use and Medicinal Cannabis Use; Omar Figueroa, an attorney who sits on the CTAI Board will lead a breakout room focusing on Public Health and Safety and Kelbi Thompson, a compliance expert will discuss Social Media guidelines.
Event Schedule
9:30 – CTAI Updates – Amanda Reiman
9:40 – Advocacy Toolkit (Small Breakout Rooms)
- Breakout Room 1 (Glossary of Terms) by Brian Applegarth
- Breakout Room 2 (Adult Use and Medical Use Differences) by Jerred Kiloh
- Breakout Room 3 (Public Health and Safety) by Omar Figueroa
- Breakout Room 4 (Social Media) by Kelbi Thompson
10:20 – Networking – One on one virtual networking
- 11:20 – Case Study breakout room
- modeling and role-play – by Amanda Reiman
- Come together after – by Georgi Gordon